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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed porttitor pellentesque orci id lobortis. In congue neque justo, sit amet pretium enim iaculis a.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed porttitor pellentesque orci id lobortis. In congue neque justo, sit amet pretium enim iaculis a.

Reporting and Analytics

Reporting and Analytics California ERP Software Consultants

The Aberdeen Group determined in a 2017 study that 15% of your employees’ time is spent searching for data. With an average of $50,000 in labor costs per employee per year, that means an organization of only 67 people will lose more than $500,000 every single year because data was hard to find. Plus, those companies will lose more opportunities due to the slow reaction time caused by hard-to-find data.

Sage Intelligence (SBI)

Sage Intelligence Reporting is the answer to spreadsheet chaos and data fragmentation. Built for the needs of small and midsized businesses, it has tools to control, automate, and analyze your data across all areas of your business so you can make better decisions to help grow your business.

Sage Data Management and Analytics (SDMA)

Integrate, manage and analyze data from multiple applications and data sources with Sage X3. Gain the ability to combine the ERP data with data from other business systems for a holistic view of the business. Spend more time analyzing and less time seeking specialist skills to write reports or reconcile data.

Sage Enterprise Intelligence (SEI)

Intuitive and simple to use, Sage Enterprise Intelligence provides company-wide, real-time data access for your Sage X3 business, so you can increase efficiency in every department to grow faster. With comprehensive business intelligence, you’ll have the information you need to make informed decisions that keep you ahead of the competition.


DataSelf Analytics adds extensive reporting agility and depth, amplifying your business intelligence benefits with Tableau and Microsoft BI technologies, and providing exactly what you need to turn your data into knowledge. DataSelf provides capabilities that go beyond Crystal, MS Access and Excel-based reporting, allowing users to analyze data extensively and easily.

Sage Alerts and Workflows

Alerts & Workflow monitors your Sage applications for any business conditions that are critical to the success of your organization. Sometimes the most important business information isn’t what has happened, but what hasn’t happened. Alerts & Workflow performs advanced analyses such as identifying clients who have not purchased in ‘x’ days, or customers who have changed their buying habits.


“Walpole consultants were not only exceptional during our research, but also during the conversion and set up phases of implementation. During this transition period and up to the present, we have found Walpole accessible, responsive and sensitive to our needs. Walpole sold us a great product and most important of all, the service we received was even greater.”
Rob DiEllo (Former Controller)
FRS Company