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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed porttitor pellentesque orci id lobortis. In congue neque justo, sit amet pretium enim iaculis a.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed porttitor pellentesque orci id lobortis. In congue neque justo, sit amet pretium enim iaculis a.

Mapped Apps

Mapped Apps California ERP Software Consultants

The beauty of today’s digital world is that there’s always a simpler way to get things done. Looking to integrate cloud-based software with your Sage 100 ERP and get real-time updates? Congratulations, you just found the easy way to do that: Mapped Apps from Walpole.

Fast, Easy Setup & Use

In the past, sharing data between Sage 100 and other programs usually required a computer programmer who understood validation logic and who could write or apply scripts to troubleshoot connection issues without breaking Sage. Once integrations were in place, further updates or configurations often required calling the programmer back at a high per-hour fee, and companies often delayed optimizing their integrations or adding new ones. Times have changed.

Mapped Apps makes it easy to create, update, troubleshoot, and optimize Sage sync capabilities with cloud-based programs using a simple, point-and-click mapping tool that links relevant database fields together. No computer logic classes required, no scripts or macros to run, no certifications needed. With Mapped Apps, anyone can set up their own maps and updates in record time – hassle-free.

Get Real-Time Data

Cloud-based apps typically offer real-time data to their users, but older Sage-integration tools can’t sync in real time. That means that when you integrate your data with other tools on the market, you’re likely to delay your information capture. Why would anyone pay money for an integration tool that slows them down?

You’re already paying the cloud companies for real-time data. It’s time you got the sync speeds you deserve in your ERP. Mapped Apps delivers 100% real-time data with 100% bi-directional sync to and from your Sage 100 system.

Manage All Your Integrations in One Program

Every program these days seems to require specific integration tools to ensure communication between your ERP and your cloud apps… but for some reason, integration software doesn’t work with other integration software! Trying to manage a large number of syncing tools is like trying to remember too many overly complex passwords. Eventually something is guaranteed to fall through the cracks.

With the flexible Mapped Apps program, you can add, modify, and manage all your Walpole integrations from a single, easy-access, online location with a single log on. No additional Sage user licenses are required.

Connect Virtually Anything to Sage 100

Your business is unique, so the toolset you use to power your business should be unique as well. Unfortunately, other Sage-integration products on the market only connect to a narrow range of third-party integrations. It’s time you expanded your horizons.

With Mapped Apps, you can connect your Sage 100 system to nearly any cloud-based software your company uses. The sky’s the limit for your integrations through Mapped Apps. Imagine if you could instantly auto-populate inventory records to your warehouse in real time using Google Sheets, or if a chatbot [link to Slack Integration page] could tell you instant answers about a customer’s order status. All of that—and more—is possible with Mapped Apps.


  • Fully configurable
  • Easy to set up
  • Seamless integration for nearly any cloud app
  • Customizable to your needs
  • Real-time data
  • Enables anywhere/anytime lookup
  • Use with any device
  • Always up to date


“Walpole & Co. introduced us to things we didn’t know were possible, saving us time, energy and money. The next time software and IT challenges sound the alarm, Walpole will be our first call.”
Linda Nash
North American Fire Hose Corporation